laugh and smile everyday
Before Taylor Kennedy was born on September 25th, 2001, we were told that she had a cyst on her heart and would need to be taken for testing when she was delivered. We knew we had an Angel because when she came into this world she was smiling and upon further tests, the cyst was not there anymore. It was a miracle. Our baby girl was perfect.
As she grew, and throughout her life, our little girl loved to make others laugh and smile, as she did herself, almost all the time. That infectious laugh and contagious smile is what people were drawn to, but it was her generous spirit and inclusion of all that made everyone a friend. She was dedicated to loving God. Taylor was very energetic and always going and going and going. She was a 3-sport athlete, participating in Volleyball, Basketball and Softball, both in HS and Club Teams. Her competitive nature didn’t only stay on the court or field, as she was just as competitive in her studies. Taylor was a straight A honor student, and a member of the National Honor Society. While very book smart, it was her naïve innocent comments that made people giggle. She had her future all figured out. She was going to continue her education studying to become a Surgeon, focusing on Cardiology.
During the summer before her senior year at Weyauwega-Fremont High School, Taylor began having abdominal issues. After extensive testing and scans, we were told that what was believed not to be there at birth, was in fact growing inside her chest cavity since. Taylor had a large mass that had to be removed surgically. She went in for surgery on August 28, 2019. She lost a lot of blood in that surgery and couldn’t pull through. We lost our sweet little Angel 2 days after on August 30th, a month shy of her 18th birthday. Taylor came into this world smiling, and she left it smiling, too. You see, before going into surgery, Tayls gave us a big smile and the thumbs up, saying I’ll see you this afternoon.
We miss her laugh and smile, and we think of her often. Because Taylor didn’t get to realize her dreams on this earth, we want to help other students make sure they realize theirs. Thank you for your interest in helping us do this, as we all remain…